Plum Easy Patterns

In the summer of 2011, PlumEasy was started in Modesto, California with an idea to make patterns fun and easy, but never ordinary.
With hobbies and home crafts, there is always something new. New gadgets abound, new fabrics are made every day, new sewing machines are at every turn. Does all this really change the way we sew? For most the answer is no. What if there was something that merged our old fashioned way of sewing with a little innovation that could take sewing to new heights and was so fun you could become addicted to it? With our folded star hot pad we have taken a timeless design favorite from an earlier era, and mixed it with a little innovation and great fabrics. The result is a surprising new way of making a folded star hot pad. Seemingly insignificant you say? Ask sewers what they think. This little pattern has revolutionized the way sewers and quilters make folded stars, forever. At least we like to think it has!
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