Magic Carpet Quilt


    Magic Carpet Quilt

    Piece this bold quilt using the earthy prints in FreeSpirit’s Empire Cotton Collection by Parson Gray. The geometric blocks make an eye-catching statement admirers will appreciate.

    Sew a Quilt


    • 1 yd (.91m) of the following FreeSpirit Empire fabrics by Parson Gray:
    1. PWPG030.CLERI
    2. PWPG036.SANDS
    3. PWPG031.SANDS
    • 3⁄4 yd (.69m) of the following FreeSpirit Empire fabric by Parson Gray:
    1. PWPG035.GRAIN
    • 1⁄3yd (.31m) of the following FreeSpirit Empire fabrics by Parson Gray:
    1. PWPG037.CAULD
    2. PWPG032.SAPPH
    3. PWPG035.ROYAL
    4. PWPG035.DUSTX
    5. PWPG030.CHARM
    6. PWPG032.SILKX
    7. PWPG033.QUARRY
    • 1⁄4 yd (.23m) of the following FreeSpirit Empire fabrics by Parson Gray:
    1. PWPG037.LONDO
    2. PWPG034.SWORD
    3. PWPG033.ANCHO
    4. PWPG032.VELVE
    5. PWPG034.DEEPX
    • 2⁄3 yd (.61m) of the following FreeSpirit Empire fabric by Parson Gray:
    1. PWPG036.CINNA
    • 4 yds (3.66m) backing fabric
    • Coats® Cotton Covered Quilting & Piecing Thread to coordinate with prints for piecing
    • Coats® Cotton Machine Quilting Thread to coordinate with prints for quilting
    • 68” (172.72cm) square quilt batting

    Additonal Requirements

    • Sewing Maching
    • Rottary Cutter and Mat
    • Plastic Ruler
    • Iron and Pressing Board

    Cutting Instructions

    1. Cut two 4 7/8 ” (12.4cm) squares each from Fabrics A and D. Cut squares in half once diagonally to make four of Triangle A.
    2. Cut eight 4 7⁄8” (12.4cm) squares each from Fabrics B and C. Cut squares in half once diagonally to make sixteen of Triangle A.
    3. Cut sixteen 4 7⁄8” (12.4cm) squares from Fabric E. Cut squares in half once diagonally to make thirty-two of Triangle A.
    4. Cut sixteen 4 1⁄2” x 10 1⁄2” (11.4cm x 26.7cm) rectangles each from Fabric A for Rectangle K.
    5. Cut sixteen 4 1⁄2” (11.4cm) squares each from Fabrics B and C for Square B.
    6. Cut sixteen 2 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄2” (6.4cm x 21.6cm) rectangles each from Fabrics B and C for Rectangle C.
    7. Cut four 2 7⁄8” (7.3cm) squares each from Fabrics B and C. Cut squares in half once diagonally to make eight of Triangle D.
    8. Cut eight 2 1⁄2” (6.4cm) squares each from Fabrics B, C, and D for Square N.
    9. Cut one 4 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄2” (11.4cm x 21.6cm) rectangle from Fabric D for Rectangle H.
    10. Cut two 2 1⁄2” x 4 1⁄2” (6.4cm x 11.4cm) rectangles from Fabric D for Rectangle E.
    11. Cut four 8 1⁄2” (21.6cm) squares from Fabric D for Square D.
    12. Cut eight 1 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄2” (3.8cm x 21.6cm) rectangles each from Fabrics F, H, I, and J for Rectangle G.
    13. Cut eight 2 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄2” (6.4cm x 21.6cm) rectangles each from Fabrics G and K for Rectangle F.
    14. Cut twelve 1 1⁄2” x 4 1⁄2” (3.8cm x 11.4cm) rectangles each from Fabrics L and M for Rectangle M.
    15. Cut twelve 2 1⁄2” x 4 1⁄2” (6.4cm x 11.4cm) rectangles from Fabric N for Rectangle L.
    16. Cut four 1 1⁄2” x 22 1⁄2” (3.8cm x 57.15cm) rectangles each from Fabrics O, P, and Q for Rectangle J.
    17. Cut seven 2 1⁄2” (6.4cm) wide strips from leftover scraps from quilt to use for binding.

    Piecing Instructions

    Note: All seams are 1⁄4” (.64cm) unless noted.

    1. Follow Steps 18 and 19 to make eight of Block A1. Sew four Fabric E Triangle A’s to four Fabric B Triangle A’s as shown.

    Step 18

    1. Join these AA units (Step 18) with four Fabric B Square B’s as shown.

    Step 19

    1. Follow Steps 20 through 23 to make four of Block A2. Sew four Fabric E Triangle A’s to four Fabric C Triangle A’s as shown.

    Step 20

    1. Join these AA units (Step 20) with four Fabric C Square B’s as shown.

    Step 21

    1. Place four Fabric D Square N’s on four of these AB units (Step 21), right sides together, onto corner of unit and sew across Square N as shown.

    Step 22

    1. Trim off excess fabric and press out to corner as shown. These will be the center A1 blocks.

    Step 23

    1. Follow Steps 24 and 25 to make four of Block B1. Refer to quilt photo and diagram below to sew one Fabric K Rectangle F to one Fabric J Rectangle G and one Fabric F Rectangle G.

    Step 24

    1. Add one Fabric B Rectangle C next to Rectangle F (Step 24) and one Fabric C Rectangle C next to Rectangle G (Step 24) on each side of this unit as shown.

    Step 25

    1. Follow Steps 26 and 27 to make four of Block B2. Refer to quilt photo and diagram below to sew one Fabric K Rectangle F to one Fabric J Rectangle G and one Fabric I Rectangle G.

    Step 26

    1. Add one Fabric B Rectangle C next to Rectangle G (Step 26) and one Fabric C Rectangle C next to Rectangle F (Step 26) on each side of this unit as shown.

    Step 27

    1. Follow Steps 28 and 29 to make four of Block C1. Refer to quilt photo and diagram below to sew one Fabric G Rectangle F to one Fabric H Rectangle G and one Fabric F Rectangle G.

    Step 28

    1. Add one Fabric B Rectangle C next to Rectangle G (Step 28) and one Fabric C Rectangle C next to Rectangle F (Step 28) on each side of this unit as shown.

    Step 29

    1. Follow Steps 30 and 31 to make four of Block C2. Refer to quilt photo and diagram below to sew one Fabric G Rectangle F to one Fabric H Rectangle G and one Fabric F Rectangle G as shown.

    Step 30

    1. Add one Fabric B Rectangle C next to one Rectangle F (Step 30) and one Fabric C Rectangle C next to Rectangle G (Step 30) on each side of this unit as shown.

    Step 31

    1. Follow Steps 32 through 34 to make four of Block D. Sew two Fabric B Square N’s to opposite corners of Fabric D Square D, right sides together, as shown by dotted line in diagram below.

    Step 32

    1. Trim off excess fabric and press out triangles to the corner as shown.

    Step 33

    1. Repeat Steps 32 and 33 on remaining corners with two Fabric C Square N’s as shown.

    Step 34

    1. Follow Steps 35 and 36 to make bigger blocks. Join A1, A2, B1, C1, and D blocks together, placing A1 center block as shown below.

    Step 35

    Tip: Make certain corners of Block D are matched to neighboring blocks to make two larger units.

    1. Join A1, A2, B2, C2, and D blocks together, placing A1 center block as shown below.

    Step 36

    Tip: Make certain corners of Block D are matched to neighboring blocks to make two larger units.

    1. Follow Steps 37 and 38 to make four sashing blocks. Sew Fabric Q Rectangle I and Fabric P Rectangle J and Fabric O Rectangle J as shown.

    Step 37

    1. Sew Fabric D Rectangle E to end of IJJ (Step 37) as shown.

    Step 38

    1. To make the borders, sew Fabric N Rectangle L to Fabric M Rectangle M and Fabric L Rectangle M as shown.

    Step 39

    1. Repeat Step 39 to make twelve units.
    2. Sew three LMM units (Steps 39, 40) to make four Fabric A Rectangle K’s as shown.

    Step 41

    1. Repeat Step 41 to make four units.
    2. Sew four Fabric A Triangle A’s to four Fabric D Triangle A’s as shown.

    Step 43

    1. Sew these corner AA units (Step 43) to each end of two of the border units as shown.

    Step 44

    1. To assemble the whole quilt top, refer to the quilt photo and diagrams and piece the above units together with Rectangle H as shown.

    Step 45

    1. Baste edges of quilt to prevent stretching edges of quilt top.
    2. Sew two lengths of backing together along selvage edges to create a two-panel wide backing.
    3. Layer backing, batting, and quilt top. Quilt or tie as desired.
    4. Create binding from assorted scraps left over from project (Step 17).
    5. Sew strips together into one long binding strip.
    6. Press strip in half lengthwise.
    7. Carefully trim backing and batting to be even with quilt top.
    8. Leaving an 8” (20.32cm) tail of binding, sew binding to top of quilt through all layers, matching all raw edges. Tip: Miter corners.
    9. Stop approximately 12” (30.48cm) from beginning of binding.
    10. Lay both loose sends of binding flat along quilt edge.
    11. Fold the two loose ends of binding back on themselves where they meet. Press to form a crease. Tip: Crease will be the stitching line.
    12. Sew two open ends of binding together, right sides together.
    13. Trim seam to 1⁄4” (.64cm). Press open.
    14. Finish sewing binding to quilt.
    15. Fold binding to back of quilt and press.
    16. Blind stitch binding in place.
    17. Press completed quilt.

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