Memory Lane Poppy Bouquet
Display your memories with these beautiful flowers. This colorful bouquet of quilted fabric poppies, created from FreeSpirit Memory Lane by Nel Watmore, will surely brighten up your spring decor! Our bountiful bouquet contains tall stems with fully open blossoms, revealing bead-embellished felt and fabric centers, as well as gracefully arching smaller stems with sculpted fabric buds.
Memory Lane Poppy Bouquet
- Petal template (see below)
- 4” (10.1cm) and 6” (15.2cm) circle templates (see below)
- 3 pieces each SKU, 1/3 yard (30cm) x WOF FreeSpirit Memory Lane by Nel Whatmore
- 3 pieces each SKU, 6” x 18” (15.2cm x 20.3cm) FreeSpirit Memory Lane by Nel Whatmore
- 3 pieces each SKU, 4” x 12” (10.16 cm x 30.5 cm) FreeSpirit Memory Lane by Nel Whatmore
- 1 piece 12” (30.5 cm) x width PWNW047.GREEN
- 1 piece 9” (22.9cm) x WOF PWNW047.TEALX
- 4 pieces 1 1/2” (3.81cm) craft foam ball (cut in half with
- craft knife)
- 7 pieces 1 1/2” (3.81cm) craft foam eggs for buds
- 1 yard HeatNBond® Iron-On High Loft Fusible fleece interfacing
- 8 pieces 3/4” (1.9cm) coordinating felt beads
- (1) 16” (40.6cm) string of 4 mm round Amber Glass beads
- for flower centers
- Coordinating Anchor embroidery floss and needle
- 8 pieces 24” x 1/2” (61 x 1.27cm) bendable flower stem (recycled from silk or plastic flower)
- 7 pieces 18 x 1/4” (46 x .64cm) bendable flower stem(recycled from silk or plastic flower)
- 1 piece 2” (5cm) craft foam ball (cut in half with craft knife)
- 1/4 yard HeatNBond® Iron-On High Loft Fusible fleece interfacing
- 1 piece 2” (5cm) craft foam ball (cut in half with craft knife)
- (1) 24” x 1/2” (61 x 1.27cm) bendable flower stem (recycled from silk or plastic flower)
- Coordinating Coats & Clark Dual Duty XP® all-purpose thread
Additonal Requirements
- Air soluable marker
- Glue gun
- Sewing machine
- Iron
- Trace petal and circle templates onto cardstock and cut out.
- Fuse high loft fleece interfacing to the wrong side of one layer of petal fabric following manufacturer’s instructions. With right sides facing, pin another layer of petal fabric on top of the fused layer.
- Trace the petal template 4 times for each flower onto the wrong side of the top fabric, leaving at least 1/2” (1.27cm) between the edges of the shapes.
- BEFORE CUTTING OUT, stitch around the outer edges of the petal shapes along the traced lines leaving open between the notches.
- Cut out the petals, trimming ¼” (.64cm) beyond the stitching. Turn right side out, fold under raw edges and press. Mark the topstitching lines, or use free-motion stitching to create the design of veins on each petal as indicated on the template, beginning at the center of the petal and working outward as you go.
- Fold petal at center, matching dart lines and stitch across dart to add dimension to the petal.
- To cover the flower stems, cut 1 1/2” (3.81cm) strips of stem fabric. Fold top edge under and press to crease. Secure with hot glue and wrap entire stem, beginning at the top, and overlapping the raw edges as you go. Secure at bottom with hot glue. Repeat with bud stems and set aside.
- To make the poppy centers, Cut 4” (10.1cm) circles of poppy center fabrics. Turn in a narrow edge and hand sew a gathering stitch around each of the circles leaving the needle and thread attached. Insert 1/2 of craft foam ball, cut side down and pull up gathers to cover ball.
- Use contrasting embroidery thread to stitch through the center of the felt balls toward the outside, dividing the ball into six equal sections. Glue the felt ball to the center top of the flower center. Embellish with amber glass beads and embroidery stitches, using photo as guide.
- To assemble the flowers, attach the flower center securely to the glued tip of the fabric covered stem. Glue the flower petals to the flat underside of the flower center with the darts facing the back, and the petal edges touching the stem at the center. Stand finished flowers in a tall vase filled with marbles or stones to allow glue to dry completely before handling.
- To make the buds, cut seven 6” (15.2cm) circles of small print fabric. Fold in 3/4” (1.9cm) and sew a gathering stitch 1/16” (.2cm) above the raw edge through both layers. Insert craft foam egg and pull gathering stitches up creating a ruffled edge at top of bud. Tie off threads to secure. Use hot glue to attach the other end of the bud to the top of the bud stems. Stand finished buds in tall vase filled with marbles or stones to allow glue to dry completely before handling.
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