How Does Someone Benefit From Basic Sewing Skills?
Learn about the benefits of sewing and how you can start stitching in this article.
I bet you're wondering whether you should learn how to sew as a hobby or just as a helpful skill to know. Naturally, your next question probably is: how does someone benefit from basic sewing skills? In this article, I'll answer that question and show you why this is a great hobby for you. I'll break down three top benefits of sewing, which are practical handiness, creative expression, and overall health benefits.
Some people may see sewing as an outdated or unnecessary skill when you can buy new clothes so fast. This assumption undermines the greatness of this skill! No matter your age, being able to repair a hole in your clothing or complete a cool project is worthwhile, beneficial, and sustainable.
Sewing is a fun hobby and a useful skill that will be sure to bring you joy as you gain experience and insight into it. The benefits of sewing are varied, but they all add up to the same thing: the benefits outweigh the costs of any beginner nerves!
As you progress through the article, I'll also share some information about how to begin sewing with helpful tutorials and fun beginner projects that'll get you stitching up a storm! Before long, you'll be reaping the benefits of a life spent sewing.
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FIRST! How to Begin Sewing Resources
Now that you know how you'll benefit from basic sewing skills, you may be asking: where do I begin? You're on the right website for that question! We have a great Basics & Tutorials tab that will give you tons of information.
Here are some valuable places to get started:
Practicality of Learning How to Sew
Let's face it: we've all had that heartbreaking moment where we've ripped a piece of clothing we loved! The question is what to do about it once it's been ripped. When you learn how to sew, you'll have a solution! There are three main practical reasons to learn how to sew:
- Sustainability: If an article of clothing is damaged, it is unlikely to be used by your local thrift store. According to an article in The Atlantic, millions of tons of clothing end up in landfills every year, meaning that throwing out old clothing that can be repaired is contributing to the destruction of the environment. Learning how to sew can help you do your part to solve this issue.
- Permanence: Although staples and safety pins may work in a crisis, carrying around a little sewing kit will mean that you can repair a hole in clothing quickly and more permanently without another embarrassing moment happening.
- Cost efficiency: Another practical benefit of sewing is that you'll be able to save money on alterations if you do it yourself! Learning how to sew means you can let out a pair of pants, hem a wonky length of clothing, and alter a jacket without having to buy a new article of clothing or pay for tailoring.

Sewing for Creative Expression
In a society that values efficiency and production, it can be difficult to carve out moments to express yourself creatively. If you're looking for an outlet for some imagination to shine through, try sewing. Picking up basic sewing skills will help you gain a hobby that will be both creative and productive! Here are some ways that sewing can be a natural outlet for creative expression:
- Freedom: The beauty of learning how to sew is that there is such freedom in how you express yourself! You don't have to be an expert to create interesting projects that will show your appreciation for certain textures or colors. Unlike going into a store and just buying yourself an outfit, you can create one that reflects more truly your personal style.
- Variety: As you gain sewing skills, you gain greater opportunities to express yourself in new ways. From easy projects to quirky ones and everything in between, you can sew practically anything you put your mind to! There is such a wide variety of sewing projects you can complete, which is reflected in the depth and breadth of this website.
- Flexibility: Since sewing is a skill and a hobby that has so much variety, there are more ways to change up a project to make it totally your own! Whether it be changing colors or stitches, you can work in your comfort level to create something that expresses who you are.

Health Benefits of Sewing
There are a wide variety of health benefits that come from handicrafts like sewing. From mental to physical health, basic sewing skills can benefit you in ways that aren't basic at all!
- Mental health benefits: According to an article by ConnectHealth, hobbies like sewing can help improve mental health by reducing stress, increasing positive thinking, and reducing the symptoms of depression. In another article, this time featured on the Forbes website, you'll be able to enter a meditative-like state called "flow" that will settle your mind and give you an increase in your happy hormone, dopamine.
- Physical health benefits: Crafting hobbies can reduce your risk for dementia and can even help with your insomnia, which is reflected in this article by the University of Arkansas. You're developing your fine motor skills with hobbies like sewing, which helps your cognitive functioning.
- Emotional health benefits: Research on loneliness in this article by Where You Live Matters reveals that, "The lack of social relationships is as much a risk factor for death as smoking or obesity." It's important to create a community around your interests to increase your emotional health, and picking up a hobby that can be shared is a perfect way to encourage this! Sharing what you've sewn on online forums or in person allows you to meet new people and enjoy their company.

Benefits of Basic Sewing Skills Infographic
Want a quick reference page focusing on some of the biggest benefits of sewing? Well, click the download button below and you can get our exclusive infographic. It's also printable. Pin it on Pinterest, keep it on your computer, or print it out and hang it in your sewing room. Whatever you want to do to keep yourself inspired and sewing!