Denim Fabric Key Fobs


Denim Fabric Key Fobs

Denim Fabric Key Fobs
Denim Fabric Key Fobs

"I love to use all the parts of a pair of blue jeans with my upcycled denim crafts. It is often the details such as the waistbands, seams, and pockets that give denim upcycle its character. In the past, I made a rug out of denim waistbands but that required a lot of pairs of jeans. For these no-sew denim key fobs, you only need the part of one waistband. They would make a fun gift and can be personalized with an initial stencil."

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Sewn byHand


Materials List

  • denim waistband
  • leather scrap
  • d-ring clasp
  • Chicago Screws

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