Hit the Open Road Pillow Tutorial


Hit the Open Road Pillow Tutorial

Hit the Open Road Pillow Tutorial
Hit the Open Road Pillow Tutorial

Summer will be here soon, which means lots of fun family road trips and vacations. If you can't wait to show your love for the open road, then you'll fall head over heels for this fun DIY decorative pillow. This Hit the Open Road Pillow Tutorial is the best way to curb your wanderlust by creating some bright and cheerful home decor that screams spring and summer.

A great project for practicing applique, this DIY pillow is a wonderful way to clean out your fabric stash and even comes with a printable applique template for your letters. Show your love of warmer weather with this playful pillow that your friends and family will love.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteWeekend project

Sewn byMachine


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Super pillow idea! I love the sentiment and can think of many people who would enjoy this. My question is this though...I thought that if the pillow form was 20" that maybe the pillow cover itself needs to be larger than 20" by say an inch? Has anyone made this pillow cover and did it fit the pillow form just fine? I can't wait to make this!

Love this darling travel pillow! And a great way to use up those itty bitty fabric scraps that are too pretty to toss, and for letters you could even piece bits together for just one letter if your scraps are really small! This would be a great Bon voyage gift, or retirement or vacation gift! The pictured pillow is adorable and many thanks for posting this super idea!


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