Funky Fabric Storage Baskets Pattern


Funky Fabric Storage Baskets Pattern

Funky Fabric Storage Baskets Pattern
Funky Fabric Storage Baskets Pattern

"The beginning of a year is always special and for many of us, it is a time of tidying and organising - we don't necessarily want to bring all of the last twelve month's clutter with us into the new year! But to have a bit of organisation in the home, there has to be somewhere to put things and I love these fabric storage baskets. They are quick to make, easy to customise and actually serve as great stash busters too. I added pockets to one to make a totable craft basket. This is a great confident beginner project and my blog post features a complete pattern with step photos for the larger basket and some hints on how to make the smaller one from the same pattern. I look forward to your visit!"

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteWeekend project

Sewn byBoth Hand and Machine


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