Flattering Upcycled DIY Skirt


Flattering Upcycled DIY Skirt

Flattering Upcycled DIY Skirt
Flattering Upcycled DIY Skirt

If you’ve gone through your wardrobe recently and noticed how many skirts are no longer in fashion, perhaps you should use one to make this Flattering Upcycled DIY Skirt. Not only are upcycled clothing projects a great solution to fabric shopping, but skirts like this look great on any body type. You will be thanking yourself for hanging onto your old skirts now that you have recycled clothing ideas like this one. This skirt’s waistline is simply adorable, so you might want to consider tucking your shirt in so you can show it off. Feel beautiful and confident with recycled clothes like this skirt.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Sewn byMachine


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This is such a cute tutorial

The paperbag top of this skirt is so trendy right now! By flaring both the upper and lower extremes of the design, this feminine skirt can let anyone have an hourglass figure!

I like this upcycle redo. The paper-bag type waistline treatment really gives this skirt a modern flirty flair. An easy to follow tutorial explains how to take a rather longish skirt, cut the bottom and use that for the gathered ruffle top. Add some same fabric belt loops and a sash to tie into a bow and the transformation is complete. Nice

What a great idea this Flattering Recycled Skirt is. I have so many clothes I can't bear to part with because I just love the fabric, but I don't wear them because the style is a bit dated. Now, with this easy to follow the tutorial I will be busy re-making some beautiful new skirts. Thanks!

What a great way to up cycle an old skirt! It really looks cool and breezy for the warmer weather! If the fabric would allow, I could see making two smaller ones for little girls out of one adult skirt to update as well! For little girls you could add some ric rac or Pom poms for some extra whimsy! Thanks for sharing!

I want to make this for my spring wardrobe!

There is so much to love about this skirt - the color, the bow, the buttons, the ruched waist. It's just amazing! Sign up for our free newsletter to see it featured next week.


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