Petite Coin Purse Patterns


Keeping loose change in one place is a total organizational blessing. Whether you keep a cute coin purse in your bigger bag, tucked into your car, or even just on a desk, these adorable Petite Coin Purse Patterns will add some pretty to your practical coin storage. These little pieces look absolutely gorgeous in floral fabric and can be easily customized. If you are looking for a great gift for a little girl, this would be a great pattern for that, as well.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Sewn byBoth Hand and Machine


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This little coin purse has a petite embroidery saying giving it such class. Love it. The free pattern prints out on one page. Especially appreciated by my tired printer. This would make for a charming stocking stuffer or even a cute party favor. The many variations shown are great for inspiration.

These coin purses have such a sweet vintage look. They remind me of something my grandma would have carried in her purse. The embroidery is a great touch.

This little coin purse gives me inspiration to try to use the clasp! I need to learn how to insert it properly and this will give me that chance! I love the little personalized saying on the side... Could really see a little girl sporting this proudly with her coins to spend other very own choice! Nostalgic and so cute a, thanks for sharing!


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