Everything's Under Control Baby Changing Pad


Everything's Under Control Baby Changing Pad


Everythings Under Control Baby Changing Pad
Everythings Under Control Baby Changing Pad

You didn't think you'd need one, but after the baby arrived you realized how invaluable baby changing pads are. Save yourself any further anxiety and try the Everything's Under Control Baby Changing Pad tutorial for some relief. When you're out an about with your little angel, you won't feel overwhelmed by unsanitary changing stations. With a polished design that looks like a briefcase, you'll give off an air of complete control when you tote your DIY baby changing pad around.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Sewn byMachine


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I'd like to try this pattern for my new grandson who is presently in NICU (and will be for another 3 months or so.) But for some reason, I haven't been "invited" to view this blog, and I can't figure out how to ask for permission. Can anybody help me to contact the blog owner so that I can ask for permission to join and view her baby patterns?? Many thanks, Phyllis Smith

Although most diaper bags come with a changing pad, an extra one would come in handy, like keeping one in the car.


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