Bridget from Wag Doll


Bridget from Wag Doll

Bridgit HoughtonHi, I’m Bridget and a 4th generation seamstress. But while sewing is in my blood, it has yet to reach my fingertips! I blog about my journey to learn sewing skills, sharing my tutorials along the way. I also like to waffle about fashion, photography, makeup and "The Wag Doll Protocol", my quest to get fit and eat clean. There may be tears, laughter, and lots of tea along the way!


Bridget's Blog (Wag Doll)
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Bridget's Projects on AllFreeSewing:

How to Make a Travel Jewelry Case
Singing in the Rain Umbrella
Magical Lights Tulle Wreath
Silly Sock Monkey
Fussy Cut Tote Bag


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