45 Minute DIY T-Shirt Makeover


45 Minute DIY T-Shirt Makeover

This 45 Minute DIY T-Shirt Makeover is a simple sewing project that will transform your plain, boring tees into fun, customized DIY t-shirts. Choose a fun print for the sleeves that your little guy will love and pair it with an upcycled or cheap t-shirt to create a brand new style. You can use the included dinosaur template for the front of the shirt, or you can customize it by adding any drawn design you want. These DIY t-shirts are budget-friendly, easy, and so quick that you can make one during naptime.

Project TypeMake a Project

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Sewn byMachine


For more repurposed clothing ideas, check out 28 Wardrobe Refashion Projects + 16 Ideas for the Whole Family.

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