Crayola Fabric Bundle


Crayola Fabric Bundle

Crayola Fabric Bundle


Reviewed by zzz Christine zzz Weiher, Editor,

Riley Blake Designs is a family-owned fabric company that provides fun, fashion-forward prints and designs. Each design is elegant, vibrant and versatile for both quilting and sewing. Not only do they provide fabrics that are both solid-colored and neatly designed prints, but they also have licensed fabrics that are simply amazing. Their Crayola Fabric line is brilliant.

Most kids if not all, are huge fans of coloring with crayons and markers, so we all know the Crayola brand name. Riley Blake has created a collection to mock that brand with fabric. The Confetti Cottons collection comes in a cute Crayola box filled with bright colors of fabric lined up just like markers in a box. In each box there are 10 fat quarters that measure 18 inches by 22 inches and on the back of each box is a pattern you can make with the fat quarters.

To have even more fun with Crayola Fabric, Riley Blake has a book called Sew Colorful with Crayola that features 8 fun projects like the melting quilt, a crayon backpack and tote, a pillow and more. Now you get to get creative with Crayola as an adult!

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