Overnight Free Duffle Bag Pattern


Overnight Free Duffle Bag Pattern

Don't travel without this handy DIY duffle bag because it's the perfect bag to bring.

This is a practical overnight duffel bag for a sleepover or day at the gym.

It has side pockets and an interior that does not require lining or binding of raw edges.

Easy to make and super cute, the Overnight Free Bag Pattern requires roughly 4 yards of fabric and will take you a few hours to make.

Coordinated with two fabric patterns and wrap-around handles, it makes for a perfect accessory to add to your collection of free bag patterns.

Learn how to make a bag that can hold a lot with this free printable sewing pattern. We promise it will come in handy whether you're traveling overnight somewhere or need to hold a lot on your next day trip wherever you're headed.


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I love the size and look of this bag. I can't wait to make and use this one.

To get the pattern, please click on "Click here for Sewing Pattern". Once you get to the blogger page, scroll down to the bottom and it says, "click here for free download". Hope that helps.

Where is the place to click to get to the tutorial. I cannot find one anywhere. I so wanted to see how this was made. Can someone fix it please.

Hello! You should now be able to click above where it says "Click Here for the Sewing Pattern" to see the full project! Sorry for the inconvenience!

I cant download this pattern

Hello! You should now be able to click above where it says "Click Here for the Sewing Pattern" to see the full project! Sorry for the inconvenience!

This would make a super cute diaper bag as weIl. I was able to download the pattern. There is a original post and an updated one. Follow the link above to the original post and then click the link to the pattern near the top of the text. You then "check out" as if purchasing the pattern. There is no charge, but once you click check out, you can download the pattern. It is easier to do than what it sounds like when I describe it. Here is a link to the checkout. https//www.craftsy.com/sewing/patterns/overnight-d == uffel-bag/319472

I can't download the pattern! I read several of the older postings seems like everyone else has had the same problem. I REALLY want to make this bag for my sister. Can anyone give a solution to the download problem?

I have no link to download


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