
DIY Remote Control Holder

With this tutorial, you'll learn how to sew a remote control organizer that hangs over your chair or couch arm.

DIY Remote Control Holder

Are you always losing that remote control in the couch cushions, under the coffee table, and maybe even in more unusual your fridge?

Try sewing this DIY Remote Control Holder and you’ll never lose your remote control again. This DIY home organizer tutorial is quick and simple, taking only an hour to make using felt, fabric, and a wooden dowel.

Since we all know that TV remotes have a way of disappearing, it's not uncommon to want a solution. This remote organizer is simple to sew and will control clutter and keep your remote and other objects you might need while watching television on hand.

Save yourself some money and DIY your own handy dandy holder. Sewing a remote control holder will remind you how much you love creating functional items for your family and friends. You can even sell them at a craft fair!

You will love this over-the-arm remote control caddy that will eliminate clutter and save you time from always hunting down that remote.

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DIY Remote Control Holder

Materials List:
  • Felt
  • Fabric
  • Sewing machine
  • 1/2" dowel
  • Fiskars Pinking Shears (9")
  • Fiskars Cutting Mat (24" x 36")

Skill Level: Easy
Project Type: Make a Project
Time to Complete: In an Evening
Sewn By: Machine

DIY Remote Control Holder Instructions:

  1. Cut felt to your desired size—I used 15" x 25". You may want wider or longer based on your couch size, and the number of pockets that you’d like to create.

DIY Remote Control Holder - Materials

  1. Trim the fabric to fit the width of felt, and at least 3/4 the height of your tallest remote. Hem upper edge.
  2. Lay fabric over felt, then sew the outer edges & bottom edge to create a large pocket. Be careful to NOT sew the upper edge.
    Tip: Don’t worry about raw edges. We’ll deal with those at the end!
  3. Create the desired number of pockets by stitching over the top of the fabric. Using a zigzag stitch will ensure that the pockets are strong.
  4. Use Fiskars Pinking Shears to trim all sides. This will reduce fraying, and eliminate the need to hem all edges.
  5. Fold the top edge of the felt and straight stitch to create a pocket for the wooden dowel. Slip the dowel through.
  6. Lay the DIY remote control holder over the furniture arm, tucking the dowel between the cushions to help secure it.